On November 26, 2019, Ms. Vu Thi Bich Hop, SRD Chair of the BOT and Executive Director and project sponsor representative of Manos Unidas (MU) including Ms. Patricia Garrido Llamas, Senior Officer and Ms. Antonia Morales Perez, Southeast Asia Program Officer visited the project area in 2 communes: Tam Thai and Tam Loc, Phu Ninh district, Quang Nam province. The delegation visited the model of growing solanum procumbens in Tam Thai commune and the nursery of solanum procumbens and red turmeric in Tam Loc commune. These sites are part of the "Improving livelihoods of poor people in Phu Ninh district, Quang Nam province through medical plants and market development" project. Ms. Patricia and Ms. Antonia were delighted to witness the farmers participating in the project and working to master the techniques used to nurse, care and harvest the plants. After participating in the project, farmers have improved their capacity to change their farming practices, minimize the use of plastic waste and inorganic fertilizers, and use biological products and manure to increase the amount of organic fertilizer in agricultural activities, especially medicinal plants such as solanum procumbens and red turmeric. With the priorities of Manos Unidas in mind, the project aims to join hands with farmers and vulnerable groups and to “give participants fishing rods” rather than “fish”.

1.Đại diện MU bà Patricia thăm hộ dân trồng cà gai leo xã Tam Thái 

Mrs. Patricia, who is epresentative of MU, visited the solanum procumbens farmer in Tam Thai commune 

3. Cán bộ khuyến nông đồng hành cùng bà con trong mô hình trình diễn

Agriculture extension workers accompany with farmers in the demonstration model

5. Tôi biết. Tôi hiểu. Tôi làm chủ

I know. I understand. I own

6. Thực hành ươm giống cà gai leo tại Vườn ươm xã Tam Lộc

Nursery practice of solanum procumbens at Tam Loc commune 

7. Đại diện MU và cán bộ khuyến nông tại Vườn ươm xã Tam Lộc

Representative of MU and agricuoltural extension worker at Tam Loc commune Incubator

8. Đoàn đi thăm hộ dân trồng nghệ xã Tam Lộc

Delegation visited  farmers who grow turmeric in Tam Loc commune 


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