SRD’s Hue office celebrates Environment Day in style!

June 5th is the international Environment Day. To celebrate, the staff of SRD’s Hue office attended 2 events in the communes of Huong Phong and Hai Duong. The official slogan, “Think of the environment before you consume the food”, was well incorporated in both celebrations.

In Huong Phong commune, the organization of the event was in the hands of a local committee. SRD’s presence there was to increase awareness and promote local participation. Hundreds of people attended the event, which was filled with colourful activities. 100 mango trees were planted in the near area, groups of women sang songs and performed a short play thematically in waste management, climate change adaptation and modeled recycled clothes during a fashion show. Speeches were also given by key speakers. For the deputy chief  “this event was the perfect way to mobilize the people of the commune on the importance of preserving the environment”. He hopes that in the near future, each village will continue to clean and to keep their surrounding sanitary,and that the matter will be taken seriously.

The second celebration, in Hai Duong commune, was just as interesting. SRD’s Hue office’s cooperation with the Women’s Union made it a very successful event. SRD and Hai Duong commune have been working together for almost 2 years on a Waste Management project. By the level of mobilization for this event, it seems that the project is well implemented so far. 

150 women were present with their brooms and ready to clean the streets! Indeed, SRD provided them with a large garbage bin to be used for communal garbage disposal. A lot of women also received reusable plastic baskets to be used for errands at the market and garbage at home.

Even though Environment Day is only celebrated once a year, these 2 events are hopeful signs that consideration for the environment will be an everyday preoccupation within these communes.


 Members of the Women’s Union proudly cleaning the streets


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