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Networking - Centre for Sustainable Rural Development


Our Networks  

Recognizing the value of cooperation among non-governmental organizations along with socio-economic development and international integration, SRD has strengthened its networking and participation into many different activities and events held nationally and internationally.

Being the Chair of the VNGO-FLEGT and VNGO&CC Network, SRD plays an important role inthe process of bringing the voicesof SRD and of the Vietnamese CSOs networks to events and forums at national, regional and international levels. 

SRD is an active member of a wide range of local networks including:

  • Vietnamese NGOs and Climate Change Network (VNGO&CC)
  • Climate Change Working Group (CCWG)
  • The Network of Vietnamese NGOs on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VNGO-FLEGT)
  • Gender and Community Development Network (GENCOMNET)
  • Vietnamese Non-Governmental Organization and Aid Effectiveness Network (VNGO&AE)
  • Civil Society Inclusion for Food Security and Poverty Elimination Network (CIFPEN)
  • Peoples’ Participation Working Group (PPWG)
  • The CSOs group on Governance and Public Administration Reform (GPAR)
  • Cooperation for Development Group (CDG)

2019 Networking 

The second Forest Governance Monitoring Forum;

  • “The role of social organizations in the Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation Plan” forum;
  • “Social organizations in Vietnam towards the National Adaptation Plan for Climate Change “workshop;
  • “Using the Terra-i vegetation change monitoring system by social organizations and local communities” workshop;
  • “CSOs’ comments on drafted National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NAP) framework 2021-2030, vision 2050” workshop;
  •  Annual meeting of social organizations in 2019;
  •  Launching workshop on “State of land in the Mekong region”;
  • “Meet 2019 for cooperation and development” Annual Event of VUSTA.

SRD is an active member of several international networks such as:

UN REDD Phase 2 Steering Committee

Asia-Pacific Research Network (APRN)
Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific (PAN AP)
Mekong Delta Climate Change Forum
Reality of Aid Network
East Asia Rice Working Group (EARWG)
ASEAN People Forum
Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum
Governance Innovations Network

SRD is accredited as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in UNFCCC, UNCCD and ECOSOC and a number of other global and Asia-Pacific networks.

Networking activities and international exchanges have provided SRD with further opportunities to learn, to share experiences, to seek, to mobilize and to diversify resources for better and more
effective operation in the context of globalization that influences development trends in Vietnam and in the world.

2019 Networking

The Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) Expanded Constituency Workshop (ECW) for Asia in Mongolia (April 2019);
Mekong sub-region workshop on land issues in Myanmar (August 2019);
Regional REDD Program Dialogue in Nepal (August 2019);
REDD Program Dialogue in Thailand (September 2019);
The 4th World Volunteer Forum in China (September 2019);
The 14th Conference of the Parties of the Convention to combat Desertification of the United Nations (UNCCD) in India (September 2019);
ASEAN People’s Forum 2019 in Thailand (September 2019);
Training on “Training of trainers on advocacy 2.0” in Thailand (September 2019);
Planning workshop on mainstreaming gender and small and medium wood processing enterprises in Malaysia (October 2019);
Workshop on environmental rights in Thailand (October 2019);
ABCD training in the Philippines (October 2019);
ARPN’s annual conference on “People’s struggle in the Asia Pacific in a multipolar world” in Thailand (November 2019);
Global FCPF Dialogue in Washington DC, USA (November 2019) organized by the World Bank