Đối tác chiến lược của

noi that hoa phat

Vietnam has about 300 enterprises producing wood and wood products (W&WP) for export to the European Union (EU) market, 87% of which use imported raw wood and 13% raw wood from domestic plantations. About 37% of the total raw wood used by the enterprises to produce export goods is imported and used to produce products for export to the EU market. Many factors had lead to the use of domestic plantation wood to supply raw wood, reducing production costs, and limiting risks for exporting W&WP: the covid pandemic rised inflation in many countries and escalated world gasoline prices; the impact of military conflicts between some countries has increased freight rates, reduced purchasing power, increased inventory and caused many orders to be canceled or prolonged, causing difficulties for businesses. Some types of domestic wood such as Acacia, Melaleuca, Rubber, Pine can replace some imported wood. This would be a good opportunity for enterprises to use wood in the country. Raw wood from domestic plantations for processing W&WP for export has not met the requirements of types, quantity, quality and control of legal timber origin, while Vietnam still lacks policies to encourage enterprises to use wood from domestic plantations. From the research emerged that the Government should implement policies which encourage enterprises to use raw wood from domestic plantations for processing W&WP for export.


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