Đối tác chiến lược của

noi that hoa phat


Communication, Research and




SRD has been in partnership with government agencies, organizations and national networks to conduct research in the field relating to Climate Change adaptation and mitigation, forest governance, REDD+ and FLEGT, Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA).

The research is used to identify gaps in current policies, and to orient the development of the new policies. For instance, citing research for considerations in drafting National Adaptation Plan (NAP) 2021-2030 period, vision 2050; commenting on the draft Decree regulating Vietnam Timber Legality Assurance System (VNTLAS). Additionally, SRD joined the research on "Nationally Determined Constributions (NDCs) and the Forestry Sector: Opinions and Recommendations of CSOs". The research evaluates the commitment of the forestry sector to contribute to NDCs.

In addition to community-level research and advocacy, SRD conducts communication activities which, through the demonstration of positive impacts, aim to raise awareness and change behavior among the people and local authorities regarding forest protection, FLEGT, REDD+, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and CSA. 

- SRD contributed to the multi-stakeholder workshop on monitoring and assessing the Payment Policy for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) organized by the Vietnam Forest Owners Association and PanNature. The workshop aimed to discuss opportunities for the participation of CSOs in the design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems for FPES

- In June 2020, SRD shared the Policy Brief "Developing and Piloting the framework for impact monitoring of the VPA-FLEGT on SMEs in the timber industry in Vietnam" to the Core Group. This Policy Brief highlights the results of the baseline survey of 86 SMEs in Vietnam's timber processing industry

- Participating and Providing comments on NAP and NDC documents/platforms

- MoNRE issued the NAP and NDC Documents which incorporated some of SRD and CSOs’ comments on gender mainstreaming.

- Participated in the 8th Session of the Multi-stakeholder Core Group on the VPA/FLEGT Agreement chaired by the Vietnam Administration of Forestry.

- In October 2020, the representatives of SRD participated in the 8th Session of the Multi-stakeholder Core Group on the VPA/FLEGT Agreement, made speeches and commented on the M&E framework. Consequently, the Framework was revised, with the opinions of CSOs at the end of July 2020. The final version of M&E framework was released in December 2020. SRD shared it with the members of VNGO-FLEGT and VNGO-EVFTA networks.

- SRD contributed to the 9th Multi-Skateholder Core Group Meeting on The VPA / FLEGT co-chaired by VNFOREST and Center for Rural Development in Central Vietnam (CRD). SRD shared information about the activities related to the implementation of VPA as well as the contribution of VNGO-FLEGT network in the VPA-FLEGT Monitoring and Evaluation Framework progress. In the December 2020, Ms. Vu Thi Bich Hop SRD director was elected as Co-Chair of the Core Group for the 4th term, 2021.

- SRD participated in the workshop in 2020 about NDC and National Strategy on Climate Change (NSCC) chaired by CCWG. SRD updated information about the activities they have been implementing related to NDC and NAP.

- SRD attended the workshop “10-year assessment of the impact of the PFES policy in Vietnam” organized by Vietnam Forestry University in collaboration with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Vietnam Forest Protection and Development Fund. The aim of this workshop was providing information about PFES policy.

- SRD contributed to the third meeting of the Joint Enforcement Committee (JIC) which was held by VNFOREST and EU. In November 2020, SRD provided comments on the Draft report on activities of the Core Group for presentation at the 3rd JIC meeting.





-          Research and Sharing Forest Governance in Viet Nam






-          Gender issues in Forestry: Key findings from a VPA Impact Monitoring Baseline Survey in 4 Provinces






-          Transparency in Forestry Production: Key Findings From Baseline Survey for Impact Monitoring of VPA FLEGT




-          Reseach on Vietnam's NDC


VIE: http://www.srd.org.vn/index.php/thu-vi-n-nh-menu/1188-bao-cao-ndc-vi-t-nam-tang-cu-ng-qu-n-tr-r-ng-d-ph-c-h-i-r-ng-thanh-cong


ENG: http://www.srd.org.vn/index.php/events/1187-report-on-vietnam-s-ndc-strengthening-forest-governance-to-ensure-successful-forest-restoration