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Networking - Centre for Sustainable Rural Development




- SRD participated and contributed to the Southern Voice webinar on CSO Engagement in the NDC Review Process.

- SRD delivered a presentation in a national workshop on REDD+ organized by the Office of the Steering Committee under the Program on Sustainable Forestry Development and REDD+ Implementation in June 2020. At the workshop, SRD shared VNGO-FLEGT’s activities and results related to VPA-FLEGT and REDD+.

- SRD delivered a presentation at the workshop "Towards a national sustainable development strategy in the new normal context (post covid) and global climate change" organized by VUSTA in July 2020. At this workshop, SRD presented the activities related to the implementation of sustainable development goals by 2030, specifically in the field of climate change, forestry and sustainable agriculture.

- SRD contributed to the multi-stakeholder workshop on monitoring and assessing the Payment Policy for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) organized by the Vietnam Forest Owners Association and PanNature. The workshop aimed to discuss opportunities for the participation of CSOs in the design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems for FPES

- In June 2020, SRD shared the Policy Brief "Developing and Piloting the framework for impact monitoring of the VPA-FLEGT on SMEs in the timber industry in Vietnam" to the Core Group. This Policy Brief highlights the results of the baseline survey of 86 SMEs in Vietnam's timber processing industry

- In June 2020, SRD shared two reports with the Core Group before JEM/JIC Meeting: 1) NDC Vietnam: Strengthening forest governance to ensure successful forests restoration; and 2) Challenges and opportunities of the EU-Vietnam Voluntary Partnership Agreement for women and civil society

-SRD with funding from FCPF to implement a project on “Capacity building for CSO and local communities to effectively engage in the FCPF project” participated in the closing workshop of the FCPF project to support Vietnam on REDD+ readiness 26/06.

- SRD published the full report "Developing and Piloting the framework for impact monitoring of the VPA-FLEGT on SMEs in the timber industry in Vietnam" to Core Group. This report presents the results of the baseline survey on 86 SMEs of Vietnam's timber processing industry

- Participating and Providing comments on NAP and NDC documents/platforms

MoNRE issued the NAP and NDC Documents which incorporated some of SRD and CSOs’ comments on gender mainstreaming.

- SRD delivered the opening remarks for the launching of the project “Promoting Participation and Improving Management Capacity of Women’s Organizations in Policy Development in Respond to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction”

As one of the lead members of the network of VNGOs on Climate Change (VNGO- CC), SRD shared information about the contribution of the VNGO-CC network over 10 years, affirming that VNGO - CC Network would support the project, connect stakeholders and continue to accompany the Government in the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (NAP) and Integrating gender-equality into policies.

- SRD contributed to the workshop on "Information Workshop on the National Master plan for the Implementation on the Third Circle Universal Periodic Review (UPR)'s Recommendations Accepted by Viet Nam" which was held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in coordination with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

As a CSO observer at the United Nations Economic and Social Committee (UN ECOSOC), SRD stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries should pay attention to the role of local and international NGOs in accompanying the State management agencies to supervise the implementation of these recommendations.

- SRD contributed to the 14th Meeting of the sub-technical working group on REDD+ safeguards. At this meeting, SRD gave feedback on operational guidance for sub-national implementation, monitoring and reporting of REDD+ safeguards, including one section on M&E PRAP safeguards indicators.

- Organized the 3rd multi-stakeholder forum on Forest Monitoring and Sustainable timber Trade. SRD organized the 3rd multi-stakeholder forum on Forest Monitoring and Sustainable Timber Trade on 21st October 2020 with the participants of over 50 national and international delegates from representatives of EU, Fern, government agencies, research agencies, timber associations/enterprises, Forest Owners Association and VNGO-FLEGT network members. In this forum, the information on Forest Governance Monitoring and VPA/FLEGT was updated and shared with the participants. SRD also presented the project “Promoting forest governance and legal timber trade through the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement” as well as the implementation plan of this project. A VNGO-EVFTA network was established in this forum and its capacity building plan was also shared with network members and other relevant stakeholders.

- Participated in the workshop "Identifying and Controlling Risks in Import and Export of Vietnamese Timber Products" convened by Timber Associations

The purpose of this workshop is to provide information to regulators and businesses operating in this industry, helping to locate and establish effective risk control mechanisms in import and export processes.


-          SRD contributed to the workshop “Policy, Investment and Sustainable Management for the Protection Forest system in Vietnam” organized by PanNature. To support national and provincial Forestry Policy-making processes especially for the protection forest systems to create a space for stakeholders to contribute effective and practical recommendations and initiatives.


-          Participated in the 8th Session of the Multi-stakeholder Core Group on the VPA/FLEGT Agreement chaired by the Vietnam Administration of Forestry.

In October 2020, the representatives of SRD participated in the 8th Session of the Multi-stakeholder Core Group on the VPA/FLEGT Agreement, made speeches and commented on the M&E framework. Consequently, the Framework was revised, with the opinions of CSOs at the end of July 2020. The final version of M&E framework was released in December 2020. SRD shared it with the members of VNGO-FLEGT and VNGO-EVFTA networks 

-          SRD contributed to the 9th Multi-Skateholder Core Group Meeting on The VPA / FLEGT co-chaired by VNFOREST and Center for Rural Development in Central Vietnam (CRD). SRD shared information about the activities related to the implementation of VPA as well as the contribution of VNGO-FLEGT network in the VPA-FLEGT Monitoring and Evaluation Framework progress. In December 2020, Ms. Vu Thi Bich Hop SRD director was elected as Co-Chair of the Core Group for the 4th term, 2021.

-          SRD participated in the workshop in 2020 about NDC and National Strategy on Climate Change (NSCC) chaired by CCWG. SRD updated information about the activities they have been implementing related to NDC and NAP.

-          SRD attended the workshop “10-year assessment of the impact of the PFES policy in Vietnam” organized by Vietnam Forestry University in collaboration with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Vietnam Forest Protection and Development Fund. The aim of this workshop was to provide information about PFES policy.

-          SRD contributed to the third meeting of the Joint Enforcement Committee (JIC) which was held by VNFOREST and EU. In November 2020, SRD provided comments on the Draft report on activities of the Core Group for presentation at the 3rd JIC meeting.

-          SRD participated to the Vietnam-EU International Workshop: Practicing Responsible Timber Trade which was organized by Handicraft and Wood Industry Association (HAWA). In December 2020, SRD attended this online workshop and shared the information about activities related to Forest Governance and Timber Trade.

-          Organized the “Sustainable Development for the Mekong Delta” Forum


On October 28, 2020, in Can Tho, SRD in collaboration with VUSTA organized the “Sustainable Development for the Mekong Delta” Forum. Participating were nearly 90 delegates representing the People's Committee leaders, Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development in some localities, research institutes, experts with experience in building regional development-oriented strategies, and scientific and technical associations in the Union's member provinces. The forum aimed to i) Consider and propose specific initiatives, solutions and policies for sustainable development of the Mekong Delta in different sectors from agriculture, water resource management, and sustainable energy transformation; ii) Promote inter-regional and multilateral cooperation, including state management agencies, businesses, social organizations and international partners, in providing solutions for sustainable agricultural development, promoting smart agricultural production science and technology, sustainable energy conversion and climate change adaptation. At the forum, SRD presented two reports on "The process of developing the national contribution partnership initiative to self-decide NDC and the national action plan to implement the Paris Agreement" as well as reports on “Opportunities and issues related to the agricultural sector upon joining the EVFTA agreement; adapt to climate change”.


-          Organized the round-table discussions to share about the results of two reports on “VPA-FLEGT and Transparency” and “Forest land management and existing benefit-sharing mechanism in the context of VPA and REDD+” with the government agencies in three research regions: Son La, Quang Tri and Ca Mau. In November and December 2020, SRD organized three round-table discussions in Son La, Quang Tri and Ca Mau. The aim of these meetings is to share with government agencies the results of two reports on VPA and Transparency and Forest Land that were carried out by SRD research team. Based on the conclusions and recommendations emphasized by SRD, the government authorities in three locations would develop suitable solutions to promote the effective participation of local communities in the monitoring of the implementation of VPA and REDD+.


-          Organized VNGO-EVFTA Network Establishment Meeting. On 16th November 2020, SRD organized a meeting to launch the establishment of VNGO-EVFTA Network with 36 core members including 17 from Hanoi and 13 members from other provinces who participated online. SRD shared the results of the report on capacity needs assessment, the working mechanism and the implementation plan of VNGO-EVFTA network. After comments from participants, SRD finalized the working mechanism and circulated it to network members. In addition, based on the criteria specified in the operating mechanism, core members elected 9 representatives as the network's executive committee