Mr. N.X.L - Head of the Club for People with Disabilities (PwDs) in Trung Son commune shared: “I understand that the leadership style of the club head plays a crucial role in management and operation. In decision making, the leader should be determined and promptly responding. I will report to the Commune People's Committee (CPC) for their support and mobilize our resources in running and maintaining the club in the coming time even the project ends
Mr. B.X.B – Head of PwDS Club in Gio Viet commune: “The leader plays an important role in a team either big or small. To be a good leader, we should be able to work out an action plan, to know one another well in our team including family situation and to team-up with mutual respect, personal difference towards the better. I will apply these to our club management.”
Mrs. T.T.H – Head of the PwDs in Trung Hai commune: “I enjoy the team-work part the most, through which streng and weakness of each could be detected for further development or improvement. A leader with enthusiasm, well-learning and capacity will be helpful in effective management. I do believe that, after the project ends, our management board will continue to work with our members to maintain the club and and share mutual support to one another, particularly those with challenging and difficult situation.
Mrs. N.T.H – Head of Parents of Children with Disabilities (CwD) group in Gio An commune: “I hope to apply what we have learned today in maintaining the community-based classes for the sake of our CwDs. I will share learnt knowledge with the management board and together we will maintain our club in a more organized manner."
Above are shared by four among 21 participants in the training within the project "Empowering People with Disabilities" held in Dong Ha city for two days, 26-27 March, 2022.