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Technical trainings on ii) Mapping of forest trees, plants and wildlife, documentation of changes, patrolling and reporting on infringement of forest laws - VM069

SRD has carried out 14 online technical training courses in the areas of Mui Ca Mau National Park and Tam Giang PFMB between 16 and 29 September 2021. There were 279 members from VFSMG (in which there were 51 women, accounting for 18% of the total participants). The representatives of Ca Mau Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ca Mau Forest Protection Department, Tam Giang PFMB, Forest Protection Groups in Tam Giang PFMB, Mui Ca Mau National Park also participated in these training courses.

With two main topics of the training course are mapping forest trees and wildlife and documentation of changes, patrolling and reporting violations of forest law, local people in the two project areas also have access to documents on plant and animal conservation, including Cites Convention, Decree 06/2019, Vietnam Red Book, World Red Book. In addition, through the training courses, they could distinguish conservation levels. Along with the support of experts, local people have also learned to use smartphones to collect information on mangrove ecosystems as well as map wildlife and flora. Moreover, the Community Forest Monitoring Software (CFMS) is also guided to local people, giving the opportunity for them to access high technology in the management and protection of mangroves.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the report: 

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