Đối tác chiến lược của

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Independent Consultant For Final Assessment


Independent Consultant For Final Assessment

(Project: Promoting forest governance and legal timber trade through the implementation of EVFTA (No. CSO-LA/2019/413943)

1. Project overall

Overall objective

Facilitating and enhancing the contribution of Vietnamese social organizations to equitable and sustainable development in Vietnam.

Detailed objective

Strengthen the role of the Vietnam Network of Social Organizations on Forest Law Enforcement, Forest Governance and Trade in Forest Products (VNGO-FLEGT), so that active and capable members can monitor the implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) in the field of forest governance and timber trade.


Outcome 1: VNGO-FLEGT network actively participates in CSR participatory monitoring mechanisms in EVFTA.

Outcome 2: Domestic Advisory Group (DAGs) members and the timber industry in particular promote governance and measures against the illegal timber trade.

Outcome 3: The Trade Committee, Trade Committee and Sustainable Development of EVFTA are committed to protecting forests and respecting people's rights related to forests during EVFTA implementation.

Project duration

1st September, 2020 – 31st August, 2024

Target group

Members of DAG, Association of CSOs, State Management Agencies, members of VNGO-FLEGT, VNGO-EVFTA network



Geographic scope



Members of DAG, Association of CSOs, State Management Agencies, members of VNGO-FLEGT, VNGO-EVFTA network


A.1.1 Organize training on relevant regulations in EVFTA as well as functions and roles of DAGs

A.1.2 Develop a VNGO network strategy to actively participate in the participatory monitoring mechanism of social institutions in EVFTA (CSMMs)

A.1.3 Promoting the participation of social institutions in the implementation of EVFTA

 A.1.4 Development and implementation of communication strategies of VNGO organizations

A.2.1 Carry out research and analysis related to the implementation of the EVFTA Agreement, focusing on wood products and posting on the media

 A.2.2 Develop the project with joint activities with the participation of members in the participatory monitoring mechanism of CSOs.

A.3.1 Participate in the consultation process to develop a participatory monitoring mechanism of the CSR on the implementation of EVFTA

A.3.2 Regular meetings with officials in charge of EVFTA implementation of government agencies A.3.3 Organizing two survey tours for Vietnamese CSOs in Belgium

2. Context

Since the formation of a socialist-oriented market economy in the 1980s, Vietnam's economy has been growing: From one of the most underprivileged countries in the world, Vietnam has experienced remarkable economic development and become a lower-middle-income country. This tremendous growth is reflected in various manufacturing sectors, especially forestry production. It is undeniable that Vietnam is the centre of the global forest products trade, importing timber from 80 countries and also the world's fourth largest exporter of timber products. Vietnam's timber exports have grown by 10% in 2023 and are on track to achieve annual sales of nearly $15 billion, as its timber export to the EU has remained stable in recent years. In contrast to the market volatility of Vietnam's other exports (such as rice, coffee and rubber), the stability of the international timber market has emphasized the importance of this industry to Vietnam's economy as well as the importance of the European market and its spread. Protecting the reputation of this industry, hence, holds a vital position among the priorities of the Governmental development orientation.  

Objective: To facilitate and enhance the contribution of Vietnamese social organizations to equitable and sustainable development in Vietnam.

3. Purpose and scope of final assessment

This activity aims to assess the achievement of the project compared to the targets that have been set from its implementation to its end (from 1st September, 2020 to 31st August, 2024). The final assessment report focuses on reviewing successes and lessons learned, identifying appropriate intervention strategies as well as making recommendations for scaling up the project.

The evaluation of the project considers the following OECD/DAC evaluation criteria:

- Relevance: The alignment of the project strategy with the actual needs and priorities of target groups/beneficiaries. Is the project strategy appropriate and logical to achieve the goal? Does the project align with the needs and priorities of target groups? What is the quality of project design?

- Coherence: The compatibility of the intervention with other interventions in a country, sector, or institution. Does the project overlap with current efforts in this area? Is the project compatible with other partner projects and activities?

- Efficiency: The contribution of project results to the achievement of project objectives. To what extent are specific goals achievable/achievable? What are the main factors influencing achieving or not achieving goals?

- Effectiveness: Measures outputs – qualitative and quantitative – in relation to input resources. How are mediums/inputs and activities converted into outputs? Are the activities carried out as planned? Are they implemented and are the outputs cost-effective?

- Impact: Positive and negative changes made by the project, directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintended. The main impacts of the project on local social, economic, environmental and other development indicators. What is the project's ability to contribute to the overall goal?

- Sustainability: The ability to continue to receive benefits generated by the project after the external support period ends. Can project results, services, and benefits continue to be realized when the donor's funding is withdrawn?

4. Expected deliveries



Time of submission (Tentative)

1) Inception reports

(1) detailed work plans, (2) detailed methods, (3) lists of people proposed for interviews, and (4) assessment tools, such as interview instructions, surveys, etc. (can be in English or Vietnamese);


2) The draft assessment report

Report structure includes the following main parts: Summary, introduction, methodology, key findings, lessons learned, and recommendations  (can be in English or Vietnamese).


3) The final assessment report

in English and Vietnamese, considering the feedback from the draft report;



4) Main results of the final assessment

Present the main results of the final assessment at the Project Closing Ceremony in Hanoi in August 2024;




5) Evaluation database

All primary data collected such as recordings or transcripts of focus group discussions, interviews, photographs (if applicable), videos (if applicable), and all corresponding consent votes;

Submitted together with the final assessment report.

5. Assessment approach and methodology

Evaluation may include literature research and/or surveys and/or interviews and/or focus group discussions:

- Literature research: should include a review of all products and documentation developed during the project, reports on events held, tools created or adapted, including online tools and other relevant reports on activities, surveys, etc. The consultant should collect all quantitative data from log frames and internal reports.

- Survey: Consultants may consider conducting survey(s) for project beneficiaries in Vietnam

  • Interview with key informants/ Focus group discussions: Consultants can conduct interviews/group discussions with project implementing organizations as well as with representatives of target groups/ beneficiaries. Group interviews/discussions can be conducted online or in person.
  • - Results of the assessment: Ask the consultant to prepare an assessment report in English and Vietnamese (about 30 pages/report), including (1) table of contents, (2) list of acronyms, (3) summary of content, (4) brief introduction, (5) objectives, (6) methodology, (7) findings, (8) lessons learned, (9) good practices, (10) recommendations, and (11) conclusions. Note that appendices (e.g., list of interviewees, interview instructions, calendar, consent forms, etc.) should also be included, but not within the page limits of the report.
  • All raw data obtained during this process is legally owned by the contracting entity (EVFTA project).

6. Chương trình làm việc và tiêu chí

6.1 Chương trình làm việc dự kiến

Vị trí

Yêu cầu

Tổng số ngày công

Team leader (01 per.)

- Experts with postgraduate degrees, with at least 7 years working in the fields of commerce, economics, agriculture and forestry;

- Experience in independent evaluation of projects;

- Experience in working with partners and managers of ministries;

- Experience in developing reports and presenting results to management agencies upon request;

- Ability to establish relationships with management agencies, business leaders, CSOs, domestic and foreign experts;

- Good communication and writing skills in English and Vietnamese;

- Experience and ability to present data accurately and clearly;

- Previous experience in distance studies and having good skills in modern communication technology will be an advantage;

- No conflict of interest

42 working days 

Expert in information collection and information and data processing (01 per.)

- Postgraduate degree in economics, agriculture, forestry and environment, having at least 5 years of practical experience in research projects;

- Experience in developing methods for collecting information, questionnaires, organizing community consultations and labor groups;

- Ability to use data processing and data analysis software to support the construction of a part of the report.

30 working days

Field Information Collectors (02 per.) (if any)

- University or college degree with at least 3 years working in the field of economic, social, agricultural, forestry, environmental and community surveys;

- Ability to independently organize field trips and localities;

- Ability to exchange and collect information with people in the community (knowledge of ethnic languages is preferred);

- Proficient in using Kobo Toolbox software on tablets or mobile phones.

Applicants can be individuals or advisory groups.

- The main qualification must be:

  • Degree(s) related to the field of social sciences or development studies
  • Extensive experience and knowledge of participatory qualitative and/or quantitative research methods as well as sampling strategies (at least 3 years of experience)

- Experience in project evaluation;

30 working days 

6.2 Selection criteria

SRD will select consultants based on the following criteria:

- Clearness, compatibility, and practicableness of proposed methods 

- Experience in correspondence with the field of project evaluation;

- The financial proposal is within the project budget;

- Ability to coordinate the work of the consulting team with the project staff group and related organizations.

6.3 Intention of assessment

- Implementing organization, project team and partners

- Donor (EU)

- Part of the assessment report can be published to share lessons learned and good practices

7. Budget & Payment

The consultant must submit the total budget in the proposal accompanied by a detailed analysis that includes applicable state taxes. 30% of the consultant fee amount will be paid after the inception report is approved, 30% of the remaining consultant fee amount will be paid after submission of The draft assessment report  and 40% consultant fee amount will be paid after submission of all necessary deliverables as described in point 5 of this Terms of Reference.

The proposed budget for the consultation should include all relevant costs, such as professional fees, business trips, domestic travel, etc. The maximum total budget for this end-of-period assessment package is €15,000 including all costs and taxes.

8. Application deadline and composition 

The Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) invites interested groups of consultants to submit applications including the following documents by 17.00, May 24, 2024 (UTC):

- Submit a cover letter, which presents personal understanding of the requirements in the work reference as well as the consultancy's ability to meet the set criteria (maximum 2 pages);

- In addition, the consultant needs to develop 02 documents, including (1) Financial proposal accompanied by experts' résumés and (2) Financial proposal for each expert;

The dossier will be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the title "EVFTA Project Proposal for Final Assessment".

Or by post to the Address: No. 31, Lane 19, Kim Dong Street, Giap Bat Ward; Hoang Mai District, Ha Noi with post stamp before 17:00 on May 24, 2024.

For any questions, please send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The dossier is not sent back, when the proposal is not selected. 

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