On October 21, 2020, in Hanoi, the Center for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) in collaboration with the Vietnam Administration of Forestry - VNFOREST, sponsored by the European Union (EU) held a multi-stakeholder forum III on "Sustainable Forest Governance and Timber Trade Monitoring".
The forum is organized to update and share information on forest governance and VPA, and identify challenges and opportunities for social organizations to participate in the implementation and monitoring of the VPA/FLEGT.
There are nine presentations from experts and speakers in the Forum. Please see the links below to access the materials used in the Forum (including Policy Recommendations and Presentations):
A. Policy Recommendations (October 2020)
B. Presentations
1. From VPA to EVFTA_ Passed Journey and opportunities ahead
2. Commitment to monitoring and evaluation in VPA and Joint Implementation Framework
3. Forest governance in Vietnam perspectives from civil society organizations
4. Forest Governance Monitoring System – V4MF Project
6. Risks assessment- Risks associated with 10 largest timber harvested countries import to Vietnam